
Сообщения за январь, 2011

Я Дерево и мои ветви везде...

Я дерево. Мои корни в глубине сообщают силу вершине ствола. Вершина собирает мудрость раскидывая ветви по всем сторонам. Познав один уровень я поднимаюсь к более высокому. Я дерево – никогда не теряю связь с основой и причиной – я дерево приросшее к земле. Мой центр неподвижен и прочн. Но ветви танцуют в поисках идеального тепла. Остановившись на одном месте у меня есть время связать воедино высоту и глубну и узнать горзонтальный простор без ущерба вертикальной связи. Нет нужды перемещаться когда все познается здесь и сейчас, когда все связано с центром и корнем. Я Дерево и мои корни вверху.


‘...at the ground level of the cults of Bhairava and Kali the Tantric deities ...(are) regents of hordes of dangerous and predominantly female forces which populated the domain of excluded possibilities that hemmed about the path of purity, clamouring to break through the barrier protecting its social and metaphysical self...Any relaxation of the inhibition and self-control (required by conformity to dharma)...was seen as opening up a clink in the armour of the integral self through which these ever alert and terrible powers of the excluded could enter and possess, destroying his identity and devouring his vital impurities, his physical essences. ‘ There appears ‘a visionary mysticism of fearless omnipotence, of unfettered super-agency through the controlled assimilation of their lawless power in occult manipulations of impurity... The high Tantric soteriology which obliterated the extricisism of Brahmanical purity in the privacy of an ecstatic, all-devouring self-revelation of c

Who are Vampires?

I am powerful. I am not afraid of anything. I am immortal. I am beyond death and life. I can be everywhere - in earth, water, fire or in the air. I travel as fast as thoughts. I know everybody's thoughts and I perfectly control their will power. Everyone moves by my will. Everyone gives me offerings even without knowing me. I am a secret and the essence of this world. No one can hear me or see if I don't want to be seen. My food is the life force. I take life but I can grant life eternal. I live in the shadow of night and remain hidden at day light under a mask of death. Who am I?