
Сообщения за май, 2011

Why to be a vegetarian?

W hy am I a ve getarian? The usual reasons for choosing vegetarianism may be related to moral, religious, cultural, ethical, aesthetic, environmental, social, economic, political, taste, or health concerns. Here are some of the reasons based on yoga teachings. 'Aghnyaa yajamaanasya pashunpahi' ( Yajurveda 1.1) . “O human! animals are Aghnya – not to be killed. Protect the animals”. 'We are what we eat', ' gross body is made of food' - Our state of mind and emotions are influenced by chemicals in the physical body and the other way round, state of mind influences the body and stimulates it to produce certain chemicals. Meet eating creates toxins which poison mind in a way that it becomes more gross and insensitive to subtle energies. This is one of the reasons why yogins do not consume meet. 'karma' - 'nothing ever comes of nothing, we pay a price for all our choices made' (LAM) - the law of cause and effect is at work all the time. Du