Help Animals in India
When you visit India, one of the things which strikes you and makes your heart sink is the amount of street animals around. Most of them look very poor and sick. I have spent in India several years, but I could not get used to the amount of suffering around. It was too much and too overwhelming that one may get frustrated completely and not even try to make that world better. But I tried little by little. I have realized that it is much better to help just one or two animals than to do nothing. I could not even think of something bigger at that time. However, very soon I have witnessed much greater results of my little effort than I could expect. First of all, I could see that little job has educational effect on my Indian friends. Some of them even changed their attitude to street dogs and adopted puppies. Then, I met most amazing people who helped me and encouraged to continuo that work. Step by step, I ended up working closely with STREET ANIMALS OF SARNATH SERVICE founded by Anusuya Kumar.
Together, we could adopt more street calves and dogs and provide better veterinary care for them. Also we managed to organize a circle of local people to help us in our work and to expand the scale of this activity. We have built several houses for the animals and hired people to look after them. Many street dogs where sterilized by Europeal veterinars in collaboration with Help Animals India. This organisation provides very valuable services for the animals but they do it in Sarnath once in several years. Our street animal service center is permanantly based in Sarnath and day to day work of taking care of street animals keeps going on. Now we can say, not without pride, that the due to our effort and valuable help of many volontiers and their donations we have built a functioning animal shelter in Sarnath and the life of street animals there has moved to better.
The shelter has been financed by us since 2006. However, as the scale of this work is growing constantly, we have to go for fundraising and ask you for donations to make this beautiful project going on. The funds will be used for maintenance of the shelter. It is not much. To feed one dog for a year we need just 50 dollars. To support one cow we need just 60 dollars. Veterinary care and salary for the local stuff are more expensive. One vaccination and antythicks apray - 15 dollars. One working member on salary requiers 800 dollars per year. Shelter needs to bear these expanses continuously as we have a permanent pace and animals living there all the time. Our shelter serves as a permanent basis where local people can address for help and adoption of a puppy and volontiers can contribute to the development of the street animals service in Sarnath.
This is a street cow - Pahar ganj, Main Bazar.
And below is an example how cows are supposed to be honored.
Kamadhenu - wish fulfilling cow.
Kamadhenu - wish fulfilling cow.

Nada means the primary sound. The primary stuff of the universe is vibratory, and therefore sonic in nature. According to the theory MalinI where letters of Sanskrit represent universal principals, at the highest level of consciousness (Para) the letter न ‘na’ symbolizes nada, which is Devine I-Consciousness (aham-parAmarsha}.
The bull Nandi, vahana of Lord Shiva, is the symbol of this primary vibrant energy which carries Shiva, the Universal Consciousness. The root 'nad' means 'to sound'. Actually the sound made by cows is like pranava, sacred OM.
. In the process of
describing the origination of nada, Sangita Ratnakara gives :
Nakaram prananamanam dakaramanalam viduh
Jatah pranagnisamyogattena nadah abhidhiyate
Which means’ it is understood that the syllable ‘na’ represents the vital force and
‘da’ represents the fire. Thus, being produced by the interaction of vital force and
fire it is called nada’.
This nada which manifests as seven notes becomes the vehicle of emotional
expressions through the nine rasas in the form of music and dance. The nine
rasas(sentiments) are love(erotic), heroic, pathetic, marvelous, comic, odious,
terrible, furious and peaceful. The words of a song denote the sabda(pada) while
the singing tune (raga) denotes the expressing of nada. Thus it is seen that sabda
and nada are connected by music. It is true that music and dance are integrally

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