Ways of compensating the lack of control. Компенсация отсутствия контроля

Signs of a Lack of Real Control Over Yourself and Your Life, Masked by Illusions of Control: 1. Conviction that nature and circumstances can bend to your will. 2. Belief that absolutely everything depends solely on you. 3. Feeling guilty for any failures, as if you are the sole cause of all events. 4. Confidence that a positive mindset can fundamentally change any situation. 5. Hope that performing a specific ritual will lead to the desired outcome. 6. Belief that changing your attitude will automatically transform your life. 7. Conviction that a victim is always to blame for their situation. 8. Faith in the existence of a powerful, invisible protector who guides and shields you. 9. Conviction that fate or the universe rewards "good" behavior and punishes "bad" behavior. 10. Belief that "signs" or random coincidences hold deep personal meaning and dictate events. 11. Hope that strictly adhering to certain rules or ideals guarantees a successful life. 12. B...