
Nine forms of Durga

The nine forms of Durga can be viewed as nine moments in the life of Parvati, the wife of Shiva. These nine forms tell the story of their relationship and also symbolize the stages of ascension from the ordinary human form to the Absolute. As stages of spiritual ascension, these nine forms can be associated with and symbolize other ways of describing the stages of spiritual growth, such as the rising of Kundalini energy through the chakras. Shailaputri (First Night) The name "Shailaputri" literally translates to "daughter (putri) of the mountain (shaila)." She is known as Sati Bhavani, Parvati, or Hemavati, the daughter of Himavat, the ruler of the Himalayas. According to sacred texts like the *Shiva Purana* and *Devi Bhagavata Purana*, her story is as follows: after self-immolating as Sati in her father Daksha's sacrificial fire due to Daksha's insult to her husband Shiva, she was reincarnated as Goddess Parvati, the daughter of the Himalayas. In her Navadu

Loneliness / Одиночество

The saying "we are born alone, we die alone" turns out to be just a pretty phrase upon closer inspection, but it doesn't reflect reality. A child is not born alone — they come into the world in the company of their mother and others who care for them, without whom they couldn't survive. From the very beginning, a person is connected to others, and while they may feel partially alone within themselves, their life is constantly intertwined with those around them. When a person dies, they don't go alone either. Loved ones, friends, or doctors may be there, and the "aloneness" itself disappears, dissolving into complete nothingness. Thus, the saying is nothing more than a beautifully crafted myth, devoid of deeper truth. Поговорка "мы рождаемся одни, умираем одни" при ближайшем рассмотрении оказывается просто красивым высказыванием, но не отражает реальности. Ребёнок рождается не один — он появляется на свет в окружении матери и других заботящихся

Synchronicity (Синхронизм)

(English and Russian) Synchronicity, as Jung described it, or karma, as it might be referred to in Indian philosophy, is an event that seems random but simultaneously carries deep significance for a person. It surprises and astonishes, and most importantly, it has a pivotal impact on one’s life. For instance, a man named Lin emigrates from China to the USA and struggles for a long time to find a job in his field. One day, he accidentally steps on a stranger's foot in a New York subway and suddenly realizes that it’s his former roommate from university, with whom he studied 20 years ago. This roommate now works for a company that is looking for a specialist with exactly the skills Lin possesses. Such an incredible coincidence makes one wonder: do coincidences really exist? From a mathematical perspective, such coincidences are possible and, given enough events, even inevitable. There’s no need to generalize this into a universal law of synchronicity. However, it's hard to deny t

Purifying Meditations.

  1. Rain  As the heavens open and rain descends, it gently washes away the layers of sorrow that have settled upon the earth. Each droplet, a tiny cleanser, works diligently, turning streets into rivers of renewal. In its soothing symphony, the rain whispers promises of new beginnings, carrying away the remnants of yesterday’s pain. It nurtures the soil, coaxing the seeds of hope to sprout anew, painting the world with the vibrant hues of resilience and rejuvenation. In this refreshing embrace, the world is cleansed, and hearts find the strength to bloom once more beneath the nurturing tears of the sky. As the heavens open and rain descends, it gently washes away the layers of sorrow that have settled upon the earth. Each droplet, a tiny cleanser, works diligently, turning streets into rivers of renewal. In its soothing symphony, the rain whispers promises of new beginnings, carrying away the remnants of yesterday’s pain. It nurtures the soil, coaxing the seeds of hope to sprout anew,

Mystical Art called Lunar Key

The art of LunarKey serves as a mystical portal to the deeper realms of the self, offering a unique and personalized key to unlock the soul's hidden corridors. Each piece is crafted with the intent to resonate with the viewer's innermost feelings and thoughts, guiding them on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. This art transcends traditional aesthetics, functioning not only as visual beauty but as a tool for introspection and personal growth. Through LunarKey's art, individuals are invited to explore the subtle nuances of their emotions and the uncharted territories of their psyche, making each artwork a gateway to understanding and embracing their true essence. LunarKey is not just a style of art; it is also a shop where these transformative pieces are available, offering everyone a chance to find their own personal key to inner clarity and peace.


  Emotions are signals from reality that aid in recognizing it. It is impossible to make decisions without emotions. They serve as a rapid and fundamental signaling system about oneself and the world. Emotions should not be "discarded," much like one should not eliminate the pain reflex. Emotions enable us to quickly discern where conditions are favorable and where dangers lie. Thinking, by contrast, is slower, more complex, and often more confusing. It is safer to promptly feel an emotion—be it offense, anger, or fear—and swiftly leave a dangerous area, rather than to overthink, question the validity of our feelings, and remain in a potentially perilous situation, thus continuing to expose ourselves to risk. While emotions can occasionally malfunction and mislead, they require study to fully understand their nature. Emotions become problematic in the event of painful disorders within this system, such as when an emotion persists too long or when an emotion is completely abse


I advocate for balance. Radical approaches often seem flawed to me. Moreover, I see dichotomies and opposites not as objective realities but as intellectual constructs. For example, cold and hot are objective opposites, while soul and matter represent a false dichotomy. Good and evil are an intellectual dichotomy. I chose pairs of opposites not based on their nature but on what caught my attention. These pairs highlight internal conflicts and dilemmas, helping to understand the multifaceted human experience in relationships with others and oneself. Balancing on the scale of these opposites promotes deeper self-awareness and understanding of the complexities of interpersonal interactions. These concepts play a significant role in personality psychology and motivation as they influence behavioral strategies, goal-setting, and overall attitude towards life. Understanding one's position on these axes can aid in personal growth, self-esteem, and strategies for overcoming life's chal

Сарасвати прартхана (Ру)



I will tell you about the mechanisms of how magic works. The mechanism of a sieve or cherry-picking is a way in which we can influence the surrounding world. For example, if you want to eat pizza within the next hour, you can wish for it. As you walk down the street, your attention is drawn to a sign advertising "The best pizza in town." Will we call this magic, resonance of the universe, or manifestation of desire? An atheist might say: it's just selective attention. But a magician would say: it's a method of manifesting desire. We need to formulate a wish that is possible in our world and focus our attention on its realization. The sieve of attention, or cherry-picking, is not a denial of the absence of magic, but rather a magical technology. Thus, this mechanism helps us to create and realize our desires and intentions in life. The mechanism of how magic works can be interpreted as a mechanism for gathering information or events that correspond to our desires and i

Exploring the Sacred Sanskrit Alphabet and Mantras

  The Essence of Sanskrit Mantras Sanskrit mantras are ancient spiritual formulas that resonate with the cosmic vibration of the universe. These sacred utterances, rooted in the Sanskrit language, are believed to possess healing properties and have been used for centuries in Hinduism and Buddhism for prayer, meditation, and spiritual growth.

Divination, Prophecy, and Prognostication

  Divination, prophecy, and prognostication are all methods used to gain insight into the future or the unknown, but they differ in their approaches, origins, and cultural contexts. Divination:Definition: Divination is a practice or art of discovering hidden knowledge or future events through various techniques, often involving interpreting omens or using specialized tools or rituals. It is more about seeking guidance or answers to specific questions. Methods: It includes a wide range of practices, such as tarot reading, astrology, reading runes, I Ching, scrying, and using pendulums. Context: Divination is often associated with spiritual or religious practices and is commonly found in many different cultures and belief systems. It tends to focus more on personal guidance and insight. Prophecy:Definition: Prophecy usually involves a prophetic figure receiving visions or messages about the future, typically from a divine source. It's often seen as a spiritual or religious experience

Free Divination

Unlock the wisdom of the ages and harness the power of divination. Our platform, the Free Divination Website, is your gateway to unveiling the mysteries that lie within. Engage with the echoes of ancient symbols and rituals, letting them guide you to a deeper understanding of your inner truths and paths. In this digital haven of mystical knowledge, we blend traditional divination techniques with modern technology, offering a unique experience that transcends time and space. Whether you're drawn to the enigmatic Tarot, the celestial insights of Astrology, or the ancient wisdom of Runes, our site is designed to cater to your curious spirit. Embark on a journey of self-exploration and spiritual growth. Our intuitive tools and resources are crafted to aid you in interpreting signs and symbols that the universe presents. Remember, the insights gained here are not absolute truths but signposts along your life's path. They are meant to enlighten and guide you, not dictate you

Skandamātā-dhyānam - медитация на (пятую форму Богини Дурги) Скандамату

siṃhāsanagatā nityaṃ padmāṃcitakaradvayā | śubhadāstu sadā devī skaṃdamātā yaśasvinī || (54 || (Śrītattvanidhiḥ, Kṛṣṇarāja Vodeyar) Да дарует (мне) благополучие прекрасная Богиня Скандамата (,,Мать Сканды'')*, которая всегда ездит на льве, две руки которой украшены лотосами (, держащимися ею в них). vande vāñchitakāmārthe candrārdhakṛtaśekharām| siṁharūḍhā<ṁ> caturbhujā<ṁ> skandamātā<ṁ> yaśasvinīm|| dhavalavarṇā<ṁ> viśudhdacakrasthitāṁ pañcamadurgā<ṁ> trinetrām| abhayapadmayugmakarāṁ dakṣiṇa-ūruputradharāṁ <bhaje>|| paṭāmbaraparidhānāṁ mṛduhāsyā<ṁ> nānālaṅkārabhūṣitām| mañjīrahārakeyūrakiṅkiṇīratnakuṇḍaladhāriṇīm|| praphullavandanāṁ pallavādharāṁ kāntakapolāṁ pīnapayodharām| kamanīyāṁ lāvaṇyāṁ cār<u>trivalīṁ nitambanīm|| (Я) почитаю для (исполнения) заветного желания (/для (обретения) желанной чувственной любви) славную (/прославленную/прекрасную) (Богиню) Скандамату с полумесяцем на макушке головы, сидящую на льве,

Wisdom Thoughts for You

@miranta.vetaleshv ♬ original sound - Miranta Vetaleshvari

Современному обществу нечего предложить традиционному обществу

    Современное общество, несмотря на свои технологические достижения и обилие возможностей, может показаться менее привлекательным для племен, живущих по принципам собирательства или на начальных стадиях сельского хозяйства, по нескольким причинам: Уровень занятости Современное общество часто требует от человека сложной, длительной и интенсивной трудовой деятельности, при этом многие профессии связаны с монотонной и малопродуктивной работой за письменным столом или в закрытом помещении. Это контрастирует с жизнью племен, где труд связан с природой и обеспечивает непосредственное выживание, а также где часы работа меньше отдыха или тесно переплетены и не разделяются так строго, как в индустриальных обществах. Социальная жизнь В современном мире люди часто сталкиваются с дефицитом времени на отдых, семью и друзей из-за долгих рабочих часов и высоких социальных ожиданий. В традиционных обществах, напротив, большое значение придается социальным связям, общению и совместным риту

Horses in Hindu culture

In Hindu mythology, mystical horses hold a significant and symbolic place, representing various aspects of divine power, cosmic order, and spiritual significance. These celestial equines are woven into ancient scriptures, epics, and religious texts, enriching the intricate fabric of Hindu mythology. Among these, several noteworthy mystical horses stand out: Ucchaishravas, emerges as a legendary white, seven-headed horse during the churning of the cosmic ocean (Samudra Manthan). It is revered as the king of horses and finds association with Lord Indra, the ruler of the heavens. According to Puranic narratives, Uchchaihshravas was acquired during the churning of the ocean and is often depicted as Lord Indra's divine mount. Hayagriva, a unique incarnation of Lord Vishnu with a horse's head, embodies wisdom, knowledge, and the preservation of sacred scriptures. Hayagriva is venerated as the deity who safeguarded the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures, from theft by demons,

Kularnava-tantra 9.1-48 / Куларнава-тантра 9.1-48

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"Value you body" teaches Kulārṇava-tantram

    रक्षेत् सर्वात्मनात्मानम् आत्मा सर्वस्य भाजनम् ।        रक्षणे यत्नमातिष्ठेत् यावत्तत्त्वं न पश्यति ॥ १९ ॥       पुनर्ग्रामाः पुनः क्षेत्रं पुनवीत्तं पुनर्गृहम् ।        पुनः शुभाशुभं कर्म न शरीरं पुनः पुनः ॥ २० ॥       शरीररक्षणायासः क्रियते सर्वदा जनैः ।       नहीच्छन्ति तनुत्यागमपि कुष्ठादिरोगतः ॥ २१ ॥   rakṣet sarvātmanātmānam ātmā sarvasya bhājanam |   rakṣaṇe yatnamātiṣṭhet yāvattattvaṃ na paśyati || 19 ||  punargrāmāḥ punaḥ kṣetraṃ punavīttaṃ punargṛham |  punaḥ śubhāśubhaṃ karma na śarīraṃ punaḥ punaḥ || 20 ||  śarīrarakṣaṇāyāsaḥ kriyate sarvadā janaiḥ |  nahīcchanti tanutyāgamapi kuṣṭhādirogataḥ || 21 ||  (Kulārṇavatantram 1.19-21)  Translation En.: 19. One should protect the self by all means, for the self is the recipient of everything. One should try to protect it until the ultimate truth is not seen. 20. Again and again, one may acquire a village, fields, wealth, and home; again one may perform auspicious and inauspicious ac